Our WaterJet machining centers are state of the art OMAX machine with a Tilt-A-Jet cutting head which fully eliminates taper caused by most other WaterJet machines.
The Tilt-A-Jet lets the OMAX JetMachining Center achieve virtually zero taper with most materials. The Tilt-A-Jet can position the nozzle at an angle calculated by the software to exactly offset the taper from the abrasivejet. Taper doesn't disappear it just gets moved to the scrap part of the material, leaving your part with exactly square edges.
WaterJet Cutting uses a mixture of water and fine garnet abrasive to cut materials ranging from aluminum to Inconel and rubber to plastic. Abrasive waterjet cutting mix is pressurized to 55,000 psi and passed through a cutting head at speeds up to 1000 feet per second. This pressurized stream cuts a virtually limitless variety of shapes and contours.
Because WaterJet Cutting machines without heat, parts are produced without Heat Affected Zones (HAZ) or metallurgical changes that can occur in operations like laser and plasma cutting. This eliminates the need for costly and time consuming operations to machine hard edges, which is especially beneficial when cutting materials like stainless steel, alloy steels, titanium, or hi-temp nickel alloys like Inconel.
The low cutting side-to-side force of WaterJet Cutting also makes the operation a good alternative when machining frail parts or parts with a long length to width ratio.
Quality In - Quality Out
Software controls the entire WaterJet Cutting process, so achieving the desired results requires an experienced operator capable of mastering the complex programming skills. Once our highly trained waterjet cutting service operators enter the part geometry, material type, thickness, and desired quality level into the computer, the machine does the rest. The WaterJet Cutting machine even knows when to slow down on corners and when to speed up on straights.
Ideal For Near Net Shapes
Ideal for precision and non-precision parts in low or high quantity, WaterJet Cutting economically produces near net shapes ready for final machining: set-up time is quick because tooling requirements are minimal, tolerances can be held consistently, and parts can be stacked to minimize run time and production costs. Advanced software and a naturally small kerf maximize material yield.
The flexibility provided by WaterJet Cutting also makes the operation a highly efficient way to create prototypes and short runs of complex shapes.
With the use of the best available nesting softwares on the market we can save a lot on material cost which is again another benefit to our customers and gives us an advantage as the unit price becomes more attractive.
Advantages of WaterJet Cutting:
Quick Set-Up
Time Minimal Tooling Requirements
No Heat Affected Zone or Metallurgical Change
Small Kerf Maximizes Yield
Close, Consistent Oversize Cutting Cuts Finish Machining Time and you save money