We just got a new finishing machine for deburring, edge rounding and surface conditioning applications. Our finisher's table is 51 inches wide.

We offer several operations after we cut your parts.
The very basic finishing we do is deburring. Usually every part which leaves our company is deburred. If requested we offer the following processes:
PEM setting
Surface finishing up to #4 finish
We have several equipment to do these operations.
We also work with subcontractors for your welding, anodizing and powder coating needs. So for the most projects you deal only with one person and one company.
Quality and your satisfaction is our policy!
To remove burrs of laser cut parts, plats, plasma or waterjet, a station with sanding belt like the picture to the left is required. The grain of the belt is selected depending on the burr to be removed. For heavy burr, the ideal is to work with 2 station to use different grade of grain on the sanding belt. The rubber hardness (Duro wheels contact will also impact on the process and finish of the parts. The duros softer allow deburring partially contours and openings of the parts. The speed of the sanding belt and the conveyor are parameters that also affect the removal of burrs.
Following the deburring of parts, or simply to get out of the laser or waterjet cutting, the edges of your parts can keep unwanted edge. To remove it, the disc "Vebrax" are a whole set solutions. The result is a small radius on all edges of the room as much external and internal (depending of the brush, opening of 5 mm diameter or more).
When your parts require special surface finish, the station with grinding fleece is required.
The material used for the manufacture of the brush (steel or plastic "scotch brite will determine the type of finish you get. The speed settings (brush and conveyor) and pressure also affect the final result.

Electric tapping and counter sinking machine is ideal for accurate and fast 90 degree taps

Most of our equipent needs very clean and dry air. And this high end compressor supplies the required quality air we use every day.

Our manual deburring tool is very handy for small run parts.

See in action

Our newest addition is this vibratory finisher, It has a 7 cubic feet (200 liters) capacity.

Vibratory finishing is a technology that is mainly employed for the surface treatment of metal components. But vibratory finishing processes can also be used for finishing the surface of parts made from plastic, wood, glass and various types of stone.
Together with grinding or polishing media made from ceramic, plastic or metal as well as chemical additives (usually called compounds) the parts to be finished are placed in a vibratory work bowl that is lined with polyurethane. A vibratory motor is inducing an oscillating or rotary movement of the vibratory of parts and media in the work bowl. The constant rubbing action between media and parts causes the desired removal of material from the parts. Different combinations of grinding or polishing media and compounds allow practically infinite variations of surface finishes on the processed parts.